Clickers on Telegram are gaining popularity as a way to earn money by performing simple tasks. These apps and bots allow users to make money by completing click-based tasks using their smartphones, making them accessible and appealing to a broad audience. Clickers are applications that require users to perform various actions, such as clicks or taps on the screen, for which they are rewarded. Tappers automate this process, enabling users to earn more with less effort.
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Read moreFarmers are services that are part of crypto games, allowing users to earn digital assets. They offer users the ability to accumulate in-game resources, which can be exchanged for real money or cryptocurrency. Farmers operate on the principle of completing various tasks within the game, for which users are rewarded.
Clickers on Telegram have become an important part of crypto games due to their simplicity and accessibility. They are services that automate the completion of click-based tasks, allowing users to earn digital coins or other resources that can be exchanged for fiat or cryptocurrency.
Miners are applications that use the user's computing power to mine cryptocurrency. There are also versions of such applications on Telegram, allowing anyone to earn cryptocurrency using their smartphone. Miners typically require setup and connection to a pool to stabilize income, after which the mining process becomes automated.
To start earning with crypto games on Telegram, follow these steps:
Find a reliable bot or app with a good reputation. Pay attention to reviews and ratings.
Create an account with your real information. Set up your personal account settings and connect a wallet if necessary.
Perform tasks that pay. These may include click-based tasks, participation in farming, or running a miner.
The accumulated cryptocurrency or in-game resources can be withdrawn to a wallet or exchanged for fiat through exchanges or internal exchanges.
The idea of earning from crypto tasks emerged in the fall of 2023 thanks to the Open Builders team. The first successful product to gain recognition in the crypto community was Notcoin. This project went through several development stages:
- Beta version: The game’s test launch took place in the fall of 2023.
- Release: In January 2024, after completing the tests, the number of users exceeded 5 million.
- Popularization: Within 30 days of the release, the game’s audience reached 20 million users, attracting the attention of TON Foundation.
The Notcoin project became the starting point for many other crypto games and tappers on Telegram, which continue to gain popularity.
Earning with crypto games on Telegram is an interesting and accessible way to generate additional income. With clickers and miners, users can earn crypto- or fiat currency by performing simple actions on their smartphones. The automation of processes and the low entry barrier make these games appealing to a wide audience.